Minggu, 29 November 2009

Exel 2007 Tutorial

Getting started with Excel 2007 you will notice that there are many similar features to previous versions. You will also notice that there are many new features that you’ll be able to utilize. There are three features that you should remember as you work within Excel 2007: the Microsoft Office Button, the Quick Access Toolbar, and the Ribbon. The function of these features will be more fully explored below.

Excel Window

A spreadsheet is an electronic document that stores various types of data. There are vertical columns and horizontal rows. A cell is where the column and row intersect. A cell can contain data and can be used in calculations of data within the spreadsheet. An Excel spreadsheet can contain workbooks and worksheets. The workbook is the holder for related worksheets.

Microsoft Office Button
The Microsoft Office Button performs many of the functions that were located in the File menu of older versions of Excel. This button allows you to create a new workbook, Open an existing workbook, save and save as, print, send, or close.
The ribbon is the panel at the top portion of the document It has seven tabs: Home, Insert, Page Layouts, Formulas, Data, Review, and View. Each tab is divided into groups. The groups are logical collections of features designed to perform function that you will utilize in developing or editing your Excel spreadsheets.
Home: Clipboard, Fonts, Alignment, Number, Styles, Cells, Editing
Insert: Tables, Illustrations, Charts, Links, Text
Page Layouts: Themes, Page Setup, Scale to Fit, Sheet Options, Arrange
Formulas: Function Library, Defined Names, Formula Auditing, Calculation
Data: Get External Data, Connections, Sort & Filter, Data Tools, Outline
Review: Proofing, Comments, Changes
View: Workbook Views, Show/Hide, Zoom, Window, Macros

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Senin, 16 November 2009

Selecting Recipients

Select “Use an existing list” and click on the “Browse” link. Locate and open the file containing your data source. For this exercise, use the MailMergeList.xls.

Mail Merge image

This opens the following dialog box in which you select the table (the named range defined within Excel) containing the mail merge recipients info you want to pull into the merge fields in your document. Select “seminar” or “training” or whatever you named the range in your spreadsheet containing the names and addresses you want to use for the mail merge ("attendees" is the defined range selected as shown below).

Mail Merge image
Make sure to check the box indicating that the “First row of data contains column headers” so that the field labels (Last Name, First Name, Address1, etc.) on your spreadsheet won’t be mistaken for data.

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Mail Merge 2007

Mail Merge Wizard

To start the Mail Merge in the new Word 2007, click on the Mailings tab. The Ribbon, the groups of commands you see on each tab, replaces the toolbars and menus. Commands are organized in groups related to activities such as you see below in the Create, Start Mail Merge, and Write & Insert Fields groups on the Mailings tab.

Mail mege image

When you click on the arrow beside Start Mail Merge, a drop-down list appears as shown below. Select the last option, “Step by Step Mail Merge Wizard.”This brings up the task pane as shown below. Select Letters (or whatever type you want) as the type of document and then click on the “Next: Starting document” link at the bottom of the task pane to go to the next step to select your starting document.

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